Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Dacy Flynt Joined Association Management Group In 1996

Association Management Group is a company that has been operating in professional property, homeowner association and condominium management since 1984 and is a nationally accredited firm. The company is based out of North Carolina and South Carolina and services communities in cities all over the two states. This is not a simple field to operate in, as there are a host of unique problems that are common in these types of communities. The enforcement of various rules and by-laws can be tedious and difficult. Often, these communities decide to hire a company or individual with limited experience, but they often learn the problem with this approach pretty quickly. Association Management Group is a company that has a wealth of experience amongst its staff with dealing with these issues. It is the staff at Association Management Group that makes the company so successful in terms of client satisfaction. For example, Dacy Flynt is the Charlotte Area Community Manager. She joined Association Management Group in 1996 and is today an integral member of the team and a big part of the company's success overall. She has experience in a range of important fields that has helped her to operate effectively, including experience in legal, administrative, computers, personal issues, construction, and construction defects. She is also the facilitator for Association Management Group's Executive Board of Directors. Association Management Group is responsible for the management of more than three hundred townhomes, condominiums, and planned unit developments spread out all over North and South Carolina.

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